Immediate Venture Bitcore Surge



Three years ago I was in Dubai filming a food/travel TV show for Abu Dhabi TV with the wonderful Tariq al-Mehyas. And the first thing I did when I got there was to spend 3 fabulous days in Sharjah as the guest of the brilliant Sheikha Bodour al-Qasimi who organised for me to cook with, or to be more accurate watch a group of lovely Emirati ladies cook Emirati dishes including the scrumptious lgeimat (saffron-flavoured fritters served drizzled with date syrup) you see in the picture above in the Sharjah Heritage House.

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Today is my birthday and I decided to give you, and myself, two belly dancers instead of one although I don’t know much about either one but I love the mise en scene, especially when the camera moves on to the other dancer’s hips and you don’t know yet there is another one! Apparently Nadia Gamal is Lebanese. I am not sure if this is true, and I don’t even know the other one, Loula Abdo, who according to the notes with the video clip danced in quite a few films — this present clip is from Qolub al-Nass which came out in 1954. She is sexy. I like her and I also like the singer, Souad Mekkawi, who is an added bonus. Great clip and a very fitting birthday present to myself!


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If there is one thing I hate, it is noise. And nowadays, I am plagued with noise. At home with building works at the back, not to mention the drunks at weekends. At airports with horrid music piping everywhere. On the tube with music pulsating out of people’s headphones. And of course in restaurants where very few restaurateurs seem to appreciate that diners may want to talk to each other while eating their meal!

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January is the month to eat healthily. All the papers, magazines, TV and radio programmes are full of advice for various detox diets to help you make up for the excesses of the holidays. I have to say I had wonderful holidays with hardly any excessive eating save for a whole panettone made of milk chocolate studded with roasted hazelnuts and a whole culatello. Both were given to the friends I was staying with and both were irresistible. Otherwise, we were fairly restrained. Regardless, the chocolate and culatello had their undesired effect so I am adding to the detox advice with this unusual Saudi recipe for fish served with tamarind sauce that is both slimming and good for you.

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